Gummy Bear is the size of a lime this week - that's incredible! I can't believe that in just two weeks he/she has grown from the size of an olive to the size of a lime, yipee! There has not been much going on this week. I was on "vacation" until today and I seriously spent most of my time off being lazy and hanging out with my boys, which was very nice! (Can you believe with 9 days off I only went to Babies.R.Us one time?!) Our next doctor visit is next Wednesday at 10 a.m. Hopefully the midwife will find the heartbeat with the doppler this time.
Keep voting on my poll - I will start a gender poll soon!
Here's my quiz for week #11 -
How far along: 11 weeks 1 days
Total weight gain/loss: still + 3 lbs
Maternity clothes: I am in an awful phase - my summer clothes from last year are too small and my maternity clothes from Gavin are too big - I need new smaller maternity clothes but I don't want to spend the $$.. grrr!
Stretch marks: still no new ones yet.
Sleep: sleep hasn't been too bad - I've had some crazy dreams lately but none about the baby yet.
Best moment of this week: being able to relax and take a nap during the day when Gav was at school; enjoying a family-filled fun holiday weekend!
Movement: not yet, I seriously can't wait to feel that first flutter!!
Food cravings: still pickles; vanilla ice cream cone with lots of rainbow sprinkles (preferably from Belle's Delites in Parkesburg!)
Gender: this week I am going with boy!
Labor signs: no and I hope it stays that way for a looooong time!
Belly button in or out: still an innie.
What I miss: sleeping on my belly; taking Emetrol when I feel sick; wrestling and rough-housing with Gavin.
What I'm looking forward to: our doctor visit next week; our vacation to Ocean City, Maryland in 3 weeks!!!
Weekly wisdom: vocalize your appreciation to your husband/significant other when they do simple sweet things. (Love you Steven!!!)
Milestone: She's already busy kicking and stretching, and her tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as her body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccupping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming.

I know there hasn't been much difference in my belly size but I am doing a belly book so I need photos from each week. I will try to post some photos of my belly book soon!
Love & blessings,

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