April 7, 2009
How far along: exactly 4 weeks today!
Total weight gain/loss: starting weight = 138 lbs.
I really did just post that – oh well, I’m okay with it – it’s only 2 pounds more than I weighed in 5th grade and it’s the same starting weight when I was pregnant with Gav!
Maternity clothes: nope – certainly excited about comfy pants!
Stretch marks: no – hopefully that will stay the same =)
Sleep: I couldn’t sleep last night because I was so excited and could not get comfortable.
Best moment this week: positive test on April 6, 2009 and telling my husband =)
Movement: nope
Food cravings: not yet!
Gender: no idea, no hunch yet.
Labor Signs: oh no no no!
Belly Button in or out: in
What I miss: sleeping comfortably on my belly.
What I am looking forward to: telling our family, our first doctor visit on May 7, 2009, hearing the baby’s heart bet, watching my belly grow, going through Gav’s old baby stuff.. oh this list is endless!
Weekly Wisdom: “If you want to hear God laugh tell him your plans.” It’s funny – my plan was to get pregnant in July or August so we would have an April or May baby – I never thought it would take until April to get our positive test – and now we’re due in December.. certainly not a spring baby =)

How far along: 5 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I honestly don’t know.. I’m afraid to get on the scale!
Maternity clothes: not yet.. I am definitely growing quickly though
Stretch marks: nope
Sleep: here and there.. I am super exhausted throughout the day.
Best moment this week: getting to reschedule my first doctor appointment for 2 days sooner!!! Telling our families over Easter weekend =)
Movement: hopefully in another 13 weeks or so!
Food cravings: none yet, I’m sure there will be some good ones to come.
Gender: thinking pink, but blue will do =)
Labor Signs: no thank you!
Belly Button in or out: in
What I miss: sleeping on my belly and drinking sweet tea.
What I am looking forward to: telling more family this weekend, our
Weekly Wisdom: get plenty of rest, be nice to your husband, exercise helps you feel better.
Milestones: the baby’s heart starts to beat this week!!!!!

How far along: 6 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: + 2 lbs as of this morning
Maternity clothes: no, but I did get some of my old maternity clothes out and tried them on!
Stretch marks: nope, just the one I still have from my pregnancy with Gav.
Sleep: it’s been much easier to sleep, but I really miss sleeping on my belly.
Best moment this week: going through my old maternity clothes and remembering special moments during my pregnancy with Gavin; knowing that Gummy Bear’s heart is beating now!!
Movement: not yet.. can’t wait for that first flutter!
Food cravings: none yet.
Gender: I’d love a girl but I have a feeling (just based on Steven’s family) the baby will be a boy!
Labor Signs: no way!
Belly Button in or out: innie
What I miss: being able to eat and not feel wicked full and uncomfortable.
What I am looking forward to: still the same as before – our first doctor appointment, hearing Gummy Bear’s heartbeat for the first time, watching my belly get bigger, telling the rest of my friends and family who don’t know!
Weekly Wisdom: eat small meals more often instead of fewer large meals, don’t get out of bed too fast, get as much done as you can when you are feeling good and rest when you’re feeling not so good.
Milestones: during this week the baby will really begin to develop into a more “human” looking baby!!

How far along: 7 weeks =)
Total weight gain/loss: still + 2 lbs
Maternity clothes: I bought a belly band from Motherhood Maternity – I am in a weird stage with my clothes so that has helped a lot.
Stretch marks: none yet.
Sleep: yes please, as much as possible.. I have been utterly exhausted!
Best moment this week: watching my belly grow a little and being one week closer to our first prenatal appointment!
Movement: nope, hopefully in about 12 weeks!
Food cravings: I honestly cannot wait for some good corn on the cob!!!
Gender: I’ve been going back and forth so I really have no idea!
Labor Signs: no no no!
Belly Button in or out: in
What I miss: sleeping on my belly, running, wine =)
What I am looking forward to: I’m just going to repeat the ones from last week – our first doctor appointment on May 5th, hearing Gummy Bear’s heartbeat for the first time, watching my belly get bigger, telling the rest of my friends and family who don’t know yet!
Weekly Wisdom: moderate exercise really makes one feel better =)
Milestones: Gummy Bear will grow significantly this week!!!

Love & blessings,

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