Gummy Bear has grown a lot over the past week - he/she is now the size of a plum!! I noticed that my ticker is now under 200 days - oh yea! Not a whole lot has changed this past week other than my belly a little. We are getting ready to head to the beach on June 14th and I am beyond excited. Gav LOVES the ocean and it will hopefully be a very relaxing vacation! I went to Babies.R.Us tonight to return a mirror Steven had bought for his car and took a nice walk around the store. I still haven't bought any baby stuff, except for the adorable onesie posted a few weeks ago and an adorable West Virginia University cap (which I need to take a photo of). By this time in my pregnancy with Gavin we had a ton of stuff, mostly clothes, simply because I couldn't help myself, everything was just so adorable. Everything is still super adorable but I am doing much better with controling myself! I have been thinking about nursery/bedding ideas - Gav's nursery was Winnie the Pooh and I just really want something different. These are the bedding collections I've been checking out. I am completely head over heals in LOVE with the girl bedding but haven't really decided on the boy bedding, both are very cute! I am leaning more towards the fish bedding but the only down side is I can't find it in a store so we'd have to order it on-line.. I'd just like to see it in person before purchasing it, but it really is adorable =)

How far along: 12 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: +3 pounds on our scale, maybe more on the OBGYNs scale Maternity clothes: I just bought some new spring/summer clothes - some are maternity! Stretch Marks: not yet.
Sleep: I can't complain about sleep, although I can't ever seem to get enough!
Best moment of this week: my birthday on Sunday!! This is a photo of my gift from Steven =)

Movement: none yet.
Food cravings: haha, you'll never guess - I've been craving Blow Pops - I bought a bag at the grocery store and have been limiting myself to 2 per day!
Gender: I should just delete this one because I keep going back and forth; I'll say boy again this week!
Labor signs: nope.
Belly button in or out: still in, probably will be for a while.
What I miss: sleeping on my belly; not worrying about what medicine I can take; alcohol. What I'm looking forward to: our DR visit tomorrow @ 10 a.m.!!!
Weekly wisdom: document things during your pregnancy and take belly photos - I really wish I would have done a blog or a belly book when I was pregnant with Gavin.
Milestones: The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his toes will curl, his eye muscles will clench, and his mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if you prod your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it. His intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into his abdominal cavity about now, and his kidneys will begin excreting urine into his bladder. --SO amazing!!!
Continue to vote on my poll - thanks for the votes so far! Also, don't forget to keep up on Gavin's blog; there is a link to his blog on the right side of this one just under my poll. His blog title is Go Go Gavin!
Belly photos from week 12 - the first two are in my new maternity outfit - I think my belly looks bigger in this outfit than it does in my standard weekly pj outfit! The shirt is still a little big but I am sure I'll grow into it ;) (I do also know it's pretty sad I take a photo of myself in the mirror each week but there is a purpose. I promise to post about my belly book soon!)

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