The lab work went well - 6 vials of blood total - the lady told me I had "a juicer" - in reference to my arm.. I don't know if that's good or bad! The ultrasound was incredible. We got to see Gummy Bear on the big screen and see the heart fluttering away. The heart beat was 150 bpm, which is perfect! She did some measuring of the baby and he/she is at 7 weeks 5 days, which is not enough for them to change my due date, which is December 14, 2009 - that date puts me at 8 weeks 1 day.

Enjoy this funny photo of all my pregnancy tests - this does not include the six digital tests I took. I figured I spent $ on the tests, I might as well use them all!

How far along: 8 weeks and 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: no change.
Maternity clothes: I do have a belly band that I haven't worn yet - that's about it. I am still in my normal clothes but I am certainly starting to feel a difference.
Stretch Marks: no thank you - only the ones that stuck around from Gavin.
Sleep: I need as much as I can get - otherwise I am falling asleep at my desk in the middle of the day, not good!
Best moment this week: oh this is easy - seeing our Gummy Bear for the first time, learning that the heart beat is perfect and FINALLY getting to tell everyone!!
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: I still really really want some good corn on the cob!
Gender: Our midwife told us today that a man's family history of gender does not have anything to do with predicting a baby's gender - therefore it is possible for us to have a girl. At this point, that's my hunch, but maybe that's because I'd love to have a girl.
Labor signs: nope.
Belly button in or out: in
What I miss: sweet tea and sleeping on my belly.
What I'm looking forward to: talking to my midwife about this cyst on my left ovary; going in to hear Gummy Bear's heart beat with the doppler in 2 weeks!
Weekly wisdom: some things are definitely worth the wait!
Milestones: Gummy Bear's fingers and toes are poking out from his/her body and his/her eyelids practically cover the eyes.

Love & blessings,

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