First here are some fun photos – most of Gabby Louise since Gav has been on this boycott Mommy’s camera kick lately, grrr! =)
that play $ is Gav’s favorite toy right not – he loves playing ‘store’ and pretending he is paying. Too bad I can’t really use that $ at the store =) And I got that jumperoo for Gabby (and Gum Drop) for $13.00 – another steal!!
How far along: 26 weeks 3 days
Weight gain: I’m scared of the scale.. lets just say +10 lbs.
New maternity clothes: nope.
New baby clothes/items: YES!! We bought his bedding.. I posted about one that I love but just couldn’t seem to find peace with spending $150.. we found an adorable set on clearance for $42.00 – it includes the bumper, a fitted sheet, a quilt and the crib skirt. We got the diaper stacker for about $8.00 and an extra fitted sheet for about $7.00.. so in total we spent about $56.00 on his crib bedding.. wahooo!! We don’t need the lamp, rug, hamper, valance or light switch so it really wasn’t a big deal that the set was on clearance and not all the items were available. I’m wicked excited about the set =) (I’ll be sure to take better photos once I get the bedding out and washed.)
I’ve also picked up some clothes here and there for him and a couple really nice blankets on clearance. Another exciting purchase – my aunt just bought us our double stroller – THANK YOU AUNT CONNIE!!! Check out our new double stroller.. I can’t wait until it comes =)
Sleep: rough lately b/c Gabby hasn’t been sleeping well
Best moment of the week: ordering our double stroller and getting an awesome deal on bedding!!
Stretch marks: yeppers.. no new ones that I’ve spotted yet.
Movement: oh my yes, the movement has definitely increased the past week
Food cravings: Gap Diner; plums.
Gender: BOY!
Belly button in or out: it’s flat but it does stick out a little depending on how much I’ve eaten that day!
Labor signs: no, but the braxton hicks contractions have been terrible lately; especially if I’m dehydrated they are super painful..
What I miss: having energy; being able to [somewhat] control my hormones; wine; feeling in shape and healthy; not having this dragon in my throat every stinkin’ day; sleeping on my tummy
What I'm looking forward to: getting things as organized as possible for Mr. Gum Drop; our double stroller coming in the mail!!!
Weekly wisdom: "Don’t fall prey to the weaknesses."
Milestones: The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.
I just love all the pics.
Gabby is so cute.
The items you got for your gumdrop look great. Sorry to hear your still having throat issues. I have some sort of yuckie cold right now also and my throat is killing me.
I hope you have a good rest of the week and you start to feel better.
I just love all the pics.
Gabby is so cute.
The items you got for your gumdrop look great. Sorry to hear your still having throat issues. I have some sort of yuckie cold right now also and my throat is killing me.
I hope you have a good rest of the week and you start to feel better.
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