Tuesday, March 9, 2010

8 weeks & photo overload.

I haven't been able to work out a good schedule for my belly postings.  My 'new' week begins on Saturdays but it never works to do photos/posts on the weekends so I think I will try to stick to Tuesdays again, like I did with Gabby.  Here is my 8 week post:  [[I have found a little piece of myself is still in complete shock that I am expecting again.. it's so strange to be doing these posts again.. almost seems unreal to a point]] 

How far along: 8 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: +0, thankfully
Maternity clothes: I have worn a couple pair of maternity pants, mainly because I don't have a lot of 'normal' work pants that fit me since I didn't drop the rest of the weight from Gabby.  I got 3 pair of 'normal' pants from Goodwill but have forgotten to wash them so I had to dig into my maternity pants - I don't think my boss would appreciate jeans or sweatpants at the office.
Sleep: well, Gabby has been sleeping 10-11 hours at night now, WAHOO!!  But I am still up a good bit using the potty, trying to get comfortable or making sure Gabby is okay.  I am still super tired all the time but I think I am beginning to accept the fact that that feeling will likely never go away.
Best moment this week: spending time with family and visiting my Grammie.
Movement: not yet.
Food cravings: buffalo chicken dip.
Gender: I'm sticking with boy.
Labor Signs: no.
Belly Button in or out: innie.
What I miss: having energy, wine and sleeping on my belly - something new and different =)
What I am looking forward to: the warm weather!! watching my tummy grow and our next DR appointment.
Weekly Wisdom: Make sure your significant other/spouse knows and understands how much you love them and how much you apperciate all they do for you.  My husband is such an incredible man, so devoted to me and to our children, and has had a rough couple of weeks but has continued to be there for us and love on us like crazy.  I love you Steven and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do for our family.  You are an incredibly strong man and I admire and love you like crazy!
Milestones: New this week: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your baby's hands and feet, his eyelids practically cover his eyes, breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs, and his "tail" is just about gone. In his brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways.
8 weeks - starting to get a little tummy [and I had a big dinner!]
Speaking of my husband - he has certainly turned our little sweet potato into a Daddy's girl!  Oh my goodness Gabby will sit with Steven and smile and laugh like crazy - it just melts my heart. Just look at these smiles he gets from her =)

this is my niece Shayna's guinea pig Darla - and her brand new baby! this was about 2 hours after he/she was born!
 Gabby and her PopPop - can you see where I get my eyebrows from =)
 yikes, look at that mean face.
 Gav playing 'Cops' with his Uncle Odie!
 these are photos from our visit with my Grammie - my niece Shayna was the photographer for most of them - thanks Noodle!!
 she is quite the popular lady with the other residents.

these are photos of our family finally enjoying some sunshine =)


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