WOW - we are now in the 3rd trimester (although some websites say it begins at 27 weeks) - craziness!!! I can officially say I am feeling "more pregnant" every day. I feel like I am carrying low and my belly gets so heavy.. I wish I could walk around holding my belly up, but I'd look pretty funny. Things have been very busy here lately.. work has simply been insane.. and we are getting ready for the Memory Walk and Gavin's birthday party on Saturday. It's hard to believe my baby boy is going to be 3 years old. (That reminds me I need to update his blog!) The nursery is just about ready for paint.. I can't wait to see if all done!! Gavin has decided that his baby sisser's name should be School Bus. He even told the clerk at Turkey.Hill that School Bus was her name.. too cute!! So, it's offical - School Bus Gummy Bear Louise Anderson - like it!?!!
We have our 28 week doctor appointment tomorrow and I get to drink the yummy glucose drink. I am praying I don't have gestational diabetes. After this appointment we will start going every 2 weeks, then at 36 weeks we go every week until School Bus Gummy Bear makes her debut :o)
Week 28 quiz:
How far along: 28 weeks 1 day
Weight gain: I'm sure by now I'm up about 18 to 20 pounds
Any new maternity clothes: nope
Any new baby items: yes - I lost control today and bought her a pair of pants, an adorable sweater and a shirt to go under the sweater - I have had my eye on this outfit for a while and it was finally 50% off at the Carters outlet and I had a $10 off coupon!!

Sleep: some nights are awesome, some nights are terrible - the most I've used the potty in one night was 4 trips!
Best moment of the week: buying her new outfit today and buying new toilet seats!!!
Stretch marks: oh yes.. I've been using my lotion regularly but it really hasn't helped much.
Food cravings: I've been craving Texas.Roadhouse but can't bring myself to spend the $... oh but it sounds sooooooo good!!
Gender: well if School Bus Gummy Bear is a boy he's going to be wearing a lot of pink ;o)
Gender: well if School Bus Gummy Bear is a boy he's going to be wearing a lot of pink ;o)
Movement: yes!!! I have to start my kick counts this week, fun!
Labor signs: nope - still just braxton hicks contractions
Belly button in or out: it's a weird shape, but it does stick out sometimes, depending on my position and the baby's position; I finally put my maternity belly ring in.
What I miss: I'd say currently I miss my old clothes and I really miss sleeping on my belly.
What I'm looking forward to: my doctor appointment tomorrow and the Memory Walk and Gavin's party on Saturday!! :o)
Weekly wisdom: It's true what they say about your hormones when you're pregnant - one minute you're happy and cheerful - the next your sad or snapping at someone - just make sure you apologize when necessary!
Milestones: By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds, like a Chinese cabbage and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
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