Wednesday, August 26, 2009

DR visit recap

Our doctor visit went well yesterday - here were some highlights -
  • the nurse confirmed Gummy Bear is a girl!
  • I have a trace of protien in my urine so I need to up my water intake.. oh fun.
  • I gained 6 pounds since my last visit 4 weeks ago
  • The nurse wasn't concerned about the weight gain and said at that this phase of the pregnancy myself and the baby will experience a "real growth spurt"
  • My blood pressure is still really good - 102/60
  • Gummy Bear's heart beat was 144 bpm - it sounded amazing!!!  Gavin just loves to hear his little "sisser's" heart beat =)
  • I go back in 4 weeks for my 28 week appointment and the 1 hour glucose drink/lab test
  • After my 28 week appointment I will start going every 2 weeks until I hit 36 weeks, then the appointments will be weekly
On to the name situation.. I thought I had it all figured out.. Gabrielle Louise, final answer.  Until this morning when Steven comes home from work and says "I see on the blog her name is Gabrielle, what happeneded to Kelsey?"  He goes on to say that he doesn't want me to pick Gabrielle just because it's his favorite and he would be just as happy with the name Kelsey too.  So this gets my wheels aturnin' - and I just don't know - maybe I shouldn't commit to any name yet since I really can't make up my mind.  I love them both, equally, and for different reasons.  So for now she has two names, Gabrielle and Kelsey, and I want you to vote on your favorite.  I have a poll on the side of the blog where the gender poll used to be.  
 Pros for Gabrielle
  • two "G" names
  • lots of cute nicknames
  • "classy" sound
  • very powerful meaning
Cons for Gabrielle
  • too long for a little girl to learn to spell
  • too "common"
  • too long when she is filling out forms/tests - remember those stupid bubble sheets for exams - she will hate us for giving her a name with 9 letters when she has to sit and color in those dumb bubbles
Pros for Kelsey
  • she and I will have the same initials = KLA!
  • fun, spunky name
  • not as common as Gabrielle - at least I don't think it is - is it??
Cons for Kelsey
  • no cute nicknames
  • maybe having the same initials will be more of a pain than fun??
Please vote - and leave comments on here too - it's fun to heard what people think!  I will add another name badge so I can visualize both names - maybe that will help me - I'm stupid, I know!


Unknown said...

Nine letters isn't too bad! I've dealt with it!

I actually thought that Kelsey is more common than Gabrielle... but what do I know!

Glad to hear that you had a good doctor appointment!

~ Christina Meshey

Anonymous said...

I've got 8 letters... the bubbles never got on my nerves! The challenge came after I got married... it's tough to fit Ashleigh Radford Dippolito on a social security card!!! :)

As for the popularity of the name, both of them are pretty popular, but Kelsey is more popular for our age group than Gummy's. Have fun choosing!
