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Gummy Bear = GIRL!!!
3D image - she has her hand at her mouth
another 3D image - she is just adorable!!
side profile, arm and leg bone there on the left
this is the weird alien shot we had with Gavin too - this is straight on looking at her face!
Gummy Bear is a GIRL!!! My little Weezie Bug =)
Oh, God is good!! I am so grateful and feel so blessed right now, I am going to have a daughter. I will have a son and a daughter, that is just incredible!!! The scan this morning lasted about 45 minutes and the first thing the tech asked was if we want to know the gender - I immediately said YES, we want to know anything you can tell us! She started her scan and could tell almost right away - that's when she said it - "this baby looks like a girl!" I started crying and was asking if she was serious (which I asked about 10 times), and she said yep! She gave us a good look at her cute little butt and her girlie parts =) I could not hold back the tears, she must have thought I was crazy!! My husband of course says, "see I told you, I knew it was a girl!" I will definitely need to apologize to this little lady for always calling her a "he."
The tech continued with the anatomy scan - we saw HER legs, arms, fingers, toes, kidneys, head, brain, stomach, heart - we saw it all - and she looks absolutely wonderful!!! After the tech was done the doctor came in and did more scanning. He explained a little about heart defects and shared that because of the heart defect my brother was born with we have about a 1% chance of Gummy Bear having the same defect. He did a very thorough scan of her heart and shared that everything looks exactly the way it should. Gummy Bear was not being very cooperative, she was playing camera shy with her back to us and her face nuzzled in her pillow! He did manage to get a couple cute 3D photos of her, oh they are priceless! The doctor said that she is growing very well and currently weighs 1 pound 1 ounce! After the scan was done and I finished getting all the goo off my belly Steven and I just hugged and cried. It was definitely one of those "moments" between a couple that just cannot be explained, it was a magical hug, one that I will never forget!
I cannot even begin to express how thankful and excited I am. She is healthy and growing well and looked absolutely perfect, oh we are so blessed! Steven and I will be doing a registry at some point and I can't wait to get started on the nursery! We will most likely be having a yard sale in the next month or so to clear out some space - and to sell some of Gavin's boy clothes since we won't be needing them for Gummy Bear. (this makes me actually really sad, I am not ready to part with his adorable baby stuff..) I know I need to get over that because we could use the extra cash and the extra space, but it will be hard!
Okay, I need to get some things done.. thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. I will be posting my normal weekly quiz and belly photos later tonight after work, so stay tuned!!
1 comment:
Congratulations! That's soo exciting! I have some gently used baby gear that I got when the twins were born that I wanted to mention to you in case you were interested... I have a pink butterfly swing that I got after the twins were born, a lilac purple bumbo seat with tray, and a JJ Cole infant car seat cover in bright pink with a fleece lining that looks practically brand new. I total understand if you want new things - I just thought I would offer them to you first before I sold them on Craigslist/Yard Sale later this month!
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