Less than 18 hours until our ultrasound tomorrow!! I am SO ready to see Gummy Bear and check out his/her arms, legs, fingers, toes, spine, brain, heart, kidneys, tummy.. oh just everything!!! Steven and Gavin are going along, of course, so it will be a fun family experience. I am a little nervous about going to Maternal Fetal Medicine, only because I've never been there before and the name just sounds so serious, but I'm sure thing will be just fine. I promise to post a summary of the appointment as soon as I have time tomorrow.
This is a photo from the ultrasound we had done two weeks ago - the one that was done to check out the cyst on my left ovary. (which has been really acting up the past week - I hope they can give me more answers about that tomorrow too!) Gummy Bear had his/her hand up at their face.. too cute!!

1 comment:
Hi! I'm so excited for you tomorrow! Don't be nervous about MFM. In my experience, everyone was very friendly. There is a picture and story on the one wall about the quads that were born at W&B Hospital a few years ago by the MFM team. We usually got an entire photo album worth of pictures of the babies. I think I may have told you this before but just in case I didn't, they might have you wait in the lobby of Women's and Babies if they're not ready for you because there is no where to wait while inside the office, just an FYI! I hope your little Gummy Bear is resting up for his/her big photo shoot!
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