Monday, January 28, 2013

week #3 - 17.5 miles

can't say it was a great running week for this chick - although I did have my longest run yet this week :)  {but I also had a very humbling, really need to get outside and run moment on Friday}  It was the week all women just love... yea, that one... yipeeeeee... aunt flow was in town.  I have a cyst on my left ovary and holy crap it hates when I run. 

anyway... here's what my week looked like... 

Monday, Jan. 21st: total 5.18 miles

Tuesday, Jan. 22nd: total 3.56 miles - miserable run w/lots of ovary pain

Wednesday, Jan 23rd: rest - crazy day @ work :(

Thursday, Jan. 24th: total 6.66 miles!!!  (eeeeee, just a smidge over half way there!!!)

Friday, Jan 25th: total 2.31 miles
 I only had 40 minutes at the gym before I needed to get home because of the weather... also, this run really made me realize how badly I need to get outside to start training.  While walking into the gym my feet were covered in snow, wet and super cold... well, I was rushing to get changed and get on the treadmill and didn't take time to warm them up or dry them off... so my feet were freeeeeezing cold the entire run... which made me miserable.  I just wasn't used to that.  But, it got me thinking, what the heck am I going to do if, come race day, it's wicked cold and rainy???  This was definitely motivation for me to get outside, trouble is, I don't really have any good gear for outdoor running in the winter, nor do I have a GPS to track my distance, time or pace.  any recommendations for cold weather gear or a beginner level (cheap but decent) GPS?!?

3 weeks down... 10 more to go...

1 comment:

Joelyn said...

Way to push through a tough week, Kiley! I've always used to track my outside routes and distances...I just try to note where the miles are to have an idea of my pace.