Monday, September 13, 2010


On Saturday I was officially 35 weeks pregnant, which meant there were 35 days left until my due date; now there are 33 days left until my due date =)  I read my 35-35 post from Gabby and found my old to-do list, which is actually very similar to my current to do list.  I am posting my list again because we were able to cross off a few things this weekend - and actually accomplished some things that weren't even on the list that I had forgotten about!! It helps me to see the list and visualize what we have left to do.  We really don't have a ton left but what we do have left is pretty important - like packing our bags for the hospital =)  Physically I am 100% READY for this man to arrive but mentally I am about -100% ready for this man to arrive - is that bad?!

clean the house from floor to ceiling - it's real bad..
clean car seat after Gabby's done using it (We can change this to unpack and wash the new car seat after it arrives in the mail!)
unpack and clean Gavin's old bouncy seat (we used a brown and pink one for Gabby)
unpack and clean bottles
wash Gum Drop's clothes & bedding
figure out where Gum Drop's clothes will go once they're washed
set up Gum Drop's crib {THANK YOU Steven!}
finish storage room project
finish garage project
get photos caught up
empty memory cards and charge camera batteries
start writing in Gum Drop's baby book
bath and groom both dogs
organize the boat load of toys in the house
arrange the play lists on my iPod for labor & delivery
make a list of 'hospital bag' items
begin packing hospital bags for Steven, Gum Drop and myself
pack bags for Gavin & Gabby
work on my birth plan (I'd be a happy lady if things went similar to Gabby's birth!)
take Gav to Build-a-Bear so he can build his little bro a bear!!
purchase last minute things for Gum Drop
(diapers, burp cloths, baby boy photo album, 4 oz bottle and liners, socks to match his coming home outfit)
 it's a little blurry b/c I took it with my cell phone but here is a photo of his crib!
A HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to Lindsay for giving us the crib!!!!  And of course a HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to Melinda for giving us the crib mattress.. you girls are AWESOME!!!  My family thanks you SO SO much!! =)  (yes folks.. they GAVE us these items.. and asked for nothing in return.. I am so so so grateful!!)


Ms. J said...

So cute! Love that bedding!

Kelly said...

We have the same crib, but in cherry wood!
Also, it is so nice to have such great friends!