Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not forget my daughter's formula on Saturday when we went away for breakfast {but ended up being an almost all day trip!} I even made a list of everything we needed, there would be no way I could forget one of the most important items!
I am SO not proud of myself for figuring out how to apply a 3 column design/template to my blog. Go Me, (not!)
I am not in love with my new exercise bike! It makes my legs burn and my heart hurt, why in the world would I love it?!
I did not eat pizza for dinner two nights in a row - and we did not have wings on Friday, Sunday and Monday. I am totally not dreading the scale at my 6 week post-baby appointment tomorrow!
While out on Saturday I was changing Gabby's diaper and she got a little poo on her pants. There is no way I would contemplate leaving the pants on her because the outfit was unbelievably cute!
I am not totally in love with these socks Gabby has on! I would not pay $8 for a pack of 3 pair. I would never pay that much for socks this cute =)
After watching American.Idol I did not walk around singing the "Pants on the Ground" song for 3 days.. no way, that's too goofy for me!
Gabby woke up around 8 a.m. this morning. I did notthrow gently place her paci in her mouth and lay her on my chest to see if she'd fall back asleep. I was not the happiest mommy when she slept another 2 hours and my awesome hubby took care of Gav.
Gabby was not hating Mommy's camera!
After watching American.Idol I did not walk around singing the "Pants on the Ground" song for 3 days.. no way, that's too goofy for me!
Gabby woke up around 8 a.m. this morning. I did not
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