So I jumped up onto the table and the ultrasound tech started her magic! Her first comment was, "Oh it looks like there's something between the legs there... wait, that's just the cord." I then told her that I really didn't want to know the gender because it wouldn't be fair to my hubby. She then began scanning Gummy Bear and everything looks wonderful. He/she was waving and kicking like crazy. At one point he/she had both arms crossed, it was so adorable =) She took some head measurements and everything is right on target.
After a few minutes I asked the tech if she could definitely tell the gender. She began looking and said that she didn't "really see anything between the legs, so it could be a girl, but it's a little too early for me to tell." So I don't know the gender - and I'm okay with that at this point. I really want to find out for sure with Steven holding my hand and Gav there next to us with his Big Brother shirt on =)
The tech printed about 10-15 awesome photos - I will try to scan some of them soon! I'm off to Creation until Sunday afternoon. It should be a very awesome trip filled with lots of music, worship, sun and fun!!
Love & blessings,

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