So we missed the lemon last week but that's okay! Our beach trip was a lot of fun, cold, but definitely fun and relaxing. It's hard to believe I'm already 15 weeks pregnant - hello 2nd trimester!! I don't know exactly when the start of the 2nd tri. is - some say 13 weeks, some say 14 weeks, some say 14 weeks 4 days - but I can safely say now, at 15 weeks 1 day and I definitely in the 2nd trimester!! I don't feel very pregnant though - I do have a little belly - but I don't have really any other symptoms other than being very sleepy and having cravings. I cannot wait until I can feel Gummy Bear move so I know he/she is okay in there.
Here's the quiz for week #15 - I won't bother doing one for week #14 but I will post the belly photos from last week!
How far along: 15 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: still +5 based on the doctor's scale (which is shocking considering all the junk food I ate at the beach!)
Maternity clothes: yes, sometimes - today I have on normal pants but a safety pin is serving as my button =)
Stretch marks: still no new ones
Sleep: oh my dreams have been insane the past couple of weeks - I am not having a lot of trouble sleeping, but I sure could use more!
Best moment of this week: going to the beach with my boys, watching Gav play with his daddy - Steven is so good with him!!
Movement: none yet - hopefully very soon - it sure would be nice to have some reassurance that Gummy Bear is doing well.
Food cravings: not any crazy ones lately, although I've found that I am really starting to dislike the taste of water, which is not good..
Gender: oh I want to know so badly!!! I will say Gummy Bear is a boy - but I'd like to know what you think - PLEASE vote on my gender poll - it's on the right side of the blog!!!
Labor signs: no no no!
Belly button in or out: still an innie - I think I am going to change my belly button ring to my pregnancy extender ring soon
What I miss: definitely sleeping on my belly; and for some reason lately I really want to try a Smirnoff Grape drink - it sounds really really good!!
What I'm looking forward to: our next doctor appointment on July 1st and hopefully being able to schedule our big ultrasound!!!
Weekly wisdom: safety pins do make good buttons when you can't quite get your pants to close =)
Milestones: Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces, about the size of an apple. She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. - wow!! I love baby.center!!!
14 weeks belly photos below

*Another reminder - don't forget about the gender poll on the side of the blog - and don't forget to stay updated on Gavin's blog, he's such a handsome, smart little fella =)
Love & blessings,
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