I took this pic right before I started down the hill... it was SO windy and SO freaking cold that day!!!
fast forward - a few more incredibly painful runs - saw the family doctor - had an MRI done - met with an orthopaedic doc - diagnosed with 'runner's knee' - thankfully no structural damange - took prednisone for 6 days - should have started physical therapy - tons of RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevate) - lost the last 3 weeks of running - had to really pray about doing the race or not - was really torn about it - then I saw my bib # -
Gage David's birthday. - October 9th
and - the day my grammie passed away - 0109 - January 9th
that was all I needed to know I was going to run - call me crazy - I know it's just a number - I know it just so happened that I was the 9th person, in alphabetical order, who signed up for the half marathon - but I didn't care about that - that number meant everything to me - that number signified overcoming two pregnancies just 6 weeks apart (this still blows my mind, no woman should ever ever have to experience that...) - that number represented my Grammie, my hero and me continuing to shine her light in everything that I do - and that included a HALF MARATHON!!!
during my training I wanted to run under 3 hours... ya see, I can run for a decent distance but I am not fast at all... I'm super putsy, which is fine with me. I knew at the start of the day today that goal was out the window... new goal - finish. I just wanted to finish and with a smile on my face instead of tears in my eyes, if at all possible.
I did it!!! :)
this once chubby, slow, non-athletic, unhealthy, body/weight obsessed, depressed girl is now a [still chubby] strong, healthy, half marathoner!!! (with a busted up ghetto knee who may not run again for a while!)
pre-race... it was chilly but beautiful!!!
around mile #8
Gabby congratulating me with rocks as I make my way to the finish line...

In this life you will know
Love and pain, joy and sorrow
So when it hurts, when times get hard
Don’t forget whose child you are
Love and pain, joy and sorrow
So when it hurts, when times get hard
Don’t forget whose child you are
this little light of mine... I'm gonna LET IT SHINE :)
Congrats. It's so awesome! I hope to do another one some day. Great job!!,!,
Watching you come 'round the bend on the home stretch was beyond description! We are all so proud of your determination. YOU DID IT!!!!
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