Wednesday, December 8, 2010

one step at a time

first step.. Wee Bit Wednesday.. second step.. Christmas cards.. third step.. cleaning & organizing this horribly messy, unorganized dirty home (which has really put me in a grumpy mood lately).. fourth step.. bottles.. fifth step.. devotions.. sixth step.. shut eye (maybe, depends on sweet baby Gage)

{one} if you were granted three wishes, what would they be? first I’d ask for more wishes, if that’s possible!  If not, wish one = an unlimited supply of money for the rest of my life and for the rest of each one of my children’s lives.  wish two = peace on earth (no, really).  wish three = perfect health for my entire family until the day they meet Jesus Christ

{two} who is your favorite author? John Grisham – A Time to Kill is one of my all time favorite books!

{three} what crowd were you involved in during high school? that’s hard.. I was in the band, was class president and was involved in a bunch of other clubs and activities.. my group of friends was a good mix of band kids, athletes, brains and good looks ;o)

{four} what is your favorite thing to do when you have time to yourself? I enjoy roaming around on the internet, blogging, looking through old photographs & watching reality tv.. sounds like buckets of fun, huh?!

{five} do you have any hidden talents? nope.

{six} can you fake any accents? nope.

{seven} have you ever been mentioned in the newspaper? yes, when I was in high school I was student of the month so I had a little blurb written about me

{eight} have you ever been arrested? my mom reads this blog so I can’t say ;o) 

JUST KIDDING!!  No, definitely never been arrested!

{nine} what is your favorite job you’ve had? I guess I’d have to say my current job, mostly because I adore the people I work with! Being a junior janitor was just plain nasty, the hardware store was fun but boring at times, waitressing was not my cup of tea, the WVU library basement was sometimes scary, the pizza shop made me fat and the at-risk youth at Devereux beat me up too much =)

{ten} do you have any scars? yes, a bunch.. the biggest is from having a tumor removed from my arm when I was a toddler. I scar very easily.

ps: Mr. Gage David will be 2 months old tomorrow!

now I am off to address my free Christmas cards from Shutterfly!  I think they turned out great .. other than yours truly looking like an idiot in the photo! oh well, Christmas isn’t about looking good ;o)


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