Friday, December 17, 2010

Gabby’s Winter ONEderland Party!

I am finally getting around to posting about Gabby’s 1st birthday party!!  Her party was on Saturday, December 4th and we had about 30 family and friends celebrate with us.  The party was held in the community room of my mother-in-law’s development.  The room was absolutely perfect for Gabby’s party and I am certain we will use it again.  Thank you Lil!  Her theme was Winter ONEderland and the color scheme was pink and green (with a touch of snowflakes!) and I thought it all looked pretty stinkin’ sharp together!  Thanks to my mom for all the advice with the colors; I was so indecisive!

I made most of the decorations for the party, which was really out of my comfort zone but I gave it a whirl anyway.  I’m really not creative or ‘artsy’ but I did my best.. with the help of paper punches and my computer ;o)

Gabby did great on her big day, considering her silly mommy scheduled the party for 1 pm which is nap time, oops!  She had a special shirt and I had even ordered her a special hair bow to match her shirt and the color scheme but it did not arrive until the Monday after her party (even though I ordered it 3 weeks in advance.. grr!)  We had most of your basic party foods – fruit salad (thank you mom!), potato salad (thanks Lil!), veggies, ring bologna and cheese, chips and pretzels, little smokies, pickles, olives and of course.. cake!!  The cake was simply adorable!

Okay, now on to the photos.  I took some and our friend Travis took a ton! (Travis and his wife Natalie are the best friends of my brother-in-law Chris and sister-in-law Christy – we now call them Aunt Natalie and Uncle Travis because they do so much with my husband’s side of the family and they are wonderful people!)  I had asked Travis before the party if he would mind photographing Gabby’s special day and he of course agreed.  He took some truly beautiful photos and it was so so so nice to be able to focus on being Mommy and not shutterbug all day ;o)

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I had everyone put in their guesses for the candy – the watermelon slices and jelly beans match the color scheme and of course, we had to have gummy bears!  I asked everyone to write a little note to Gabby and put them in the glass bowl; these were her Winter ONEderland wishes!  Our party favors were pink and green mint snowflake candy that my husband and I made!  And of course I had to have a photo of Miss Gabby with her Great Grammie =)

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sorry for the photo overload but I had a hard enough time going from the 126 images to just these!  A huge THANK YOU to everyone for celebrating this special day with us ;o)  And of course a big thank you to Travis for capturing these wonderful memories for us. Now, time to get started planning Gage’s 1st birthday because, let’s face it, it’s going to be here before we know it!

Love & blessings!!

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