I’m only about two weeks behind, that’s not too bad at all! Our annual beach trip was a lot of fun. We had pretty decent weather most of the week and got to do all the things we had hoped to do. The kids did really well the whole week.. obviously a few tantrums here and there but nothing super crazy.
Gavin – he LOVED the ocean and barely played in the sand because he was in the water the entire time. He loved getting ice-cream on the boardwalk and watching the tram car. When asked, he says that his favorite part about our beach vacation was riding on the tram car with his dad and me!
Gabby – she HATED the ocean but really enjoyed playing in the sand. She kept saying she was “scared” of the water and didn’t even like to stand at the edge to take family pictures because she was so scared. Steven and I took her in a couple of times but she just cried. She loved pushing the elevator button at the condo and running on the boardwalk. When asked, she says her favorite part was playing “in the sand box.”
Gage – oh my goodness this boy LOVED the ocean, just like his big bro. He would cry if we took him out of the ocean to spend time up at the blanket. Gage also enjoyed pushing the elevator button and waving to the tram car on the boardwalk. When asked, Gage said his favorite part of the beach was all the “treats” – good answer!
Kiley – well, I absolutely LOVE the ocean and don’t mind the sand at all. I really enjoyed playing in the ocean, jumping and flipping in the waves and letting the kids cover me in sand. I loved the place we stayed – right on the boardwalk and a beautiful ocean view – perfect :) I loved all the amazing, horrible for you food we ate but, as silly as it sounds, one of my most favorite things about the boardwalk is the fact that most places have birch beer!!!
Steven – he also LOVES the ocean but isn’t a big fan of the sand at all. He got pretty sun burned our second day out on the beach so after that he wasn’t a huge fan of sitting on the beach all day but certainly was a trooper. Like me, he loved all the yummy food and had fun spoiling the kids with special treats. When asked what his favorite part was from our beach trip he said not having to go to work – also a good answer! :)
My mother-in-law went along for the week and she was a huge help. Not to mention, Gage didn’t want myself or Steven at all, he just wanted his MeeMaw. She watched the meatballs a couple of nights so Steven and I could go out for some adult time, man was that a blessing!
enjoy the photos :)