this didn’t post when it was supposed to.. better late than never I guess
My sweet baby Gage was 3 months old yesterday.. hard to believe! He is just a doll – gets cuter by the hour ;o) We continue to fall deeper in love each day and I am so thankful he came into our lives! [even though I was terrified and angry and confused and scared for many months]
- you have moved into size 2 diapers
- your daddy was able to get you onto a good schedule! (go daddy!)
- you eat 6 oz of formula about every 3 1/2 to 4 hours during the day
- dimples.. oh boy Gage you have the most adorable dimples!
- you’re beginning to reach for things
- you are laughing now – SO SO SO SO SO SO SO freakin’ adorable!!
- you’re a pro at tummy time ;o)
- baths are ‘okay’ but certainly not your favorite activity
- your big sister can make you smile like crazy!
- your big brother always wants to hold you and I have caught him trying to pick you up too (insert mini freak out!)
- you really like your paci – just like your big bro
- bedtime is better now – on a good night you’ll sleep for about 6 hours, wake up and eat, fall back to sleep and get up about 2 1/2 to 3 hours later
- I think you’re going to have brown eyes – just like me!
- just like your big bro, you won’t smile for mommy’s camera
- you love to suck on your hands
this photo ‘cracks’ me up!
still trying to get that ‘perfect’ sibling shot.. this definitely isn’t it.. take a look at Gav’s hair ;o)
we’re still wondering what color her eyes are going to be.. I’m thinking green!
Love & blessings!
1 comment:
I just love all the kids together in these last pictures. You have such a truly beautiful little group of kids.
Happy 3 months Gage, Has it seriously been 3 months already? Wow.
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