Thursday, March 3, 2011

savings & faces

Truth #3 – I love shopping.  I hate spending money.  bad combination.  But I love love love a good deal ;o)  I took middle and little G to kohls tonight while big G spent the night with his meemaw!  I tore up the clearance racks and ended up coming home with a pair of jeans and 5 shirts for $32.00.  038 039 tags

the best part was I still had gift cards from Christmas so I came home with all these goodies without spending a dime!

Now, on to the ‘faces’ part of this blog.  My daughter is such a silly goose and lately when I pull my camera out [which has really been acting up lately… grrrr]she always makes these silly faces =)                  012  014 015   018   021 022 023 024 

I know I really should take some time to edit these but the truth is, I don’t have any good editing software to use.  I had photoshop on my old laptop thanks to my brother-in-law but the only thing I’ve used on this computer is picasa and I’m really not that crazy about it.

Love & blessings!!

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