Forgive me.. I’m super behind on posts about the kiddos.
Gavin Arthur –> current loves: video games, angry birds, hockey, baseball, matchbox cars, annoying his sister, praying, singing, eating snacks =)
current dislikes: waking up in the morning, cleaning up his toys, sharing, having to wait until April to start t-ball, shoes that tie
highlights: information for kindergarten registration came in the mail today – I thought I’d be real emotional but I’m actually incredibly excited! I’m hopeful that Gavin will love school and will thrive in kinneygarden (as my dear Aunt Connie would write! or funny like that!)
Gabrielle Louise –> current loves: running away from her mommy, singing, pulling all the cushions off the couch and dancing, jumping on Gavin’s trampoline,annoying her big brother, baths, cows, eating with a spoon or fork
current dislikes: being told no, cleaning up her toys, getting her diaper changed, sleeping in her own bed, when Gage drinks from her sippy cup
highlights: Miss Gabby is one independent little lady. She’s a firecracker of a gal with a bright and fun personality. She displays so many motherly traits and takes great care of her baby bro.
Gage David –> current loves: food, especially green veggies, pacifiers, anything his brother or sister are playing with, dancing, talking, reading books, hitting, eating with a spoon
current dislikes: baths, when he runs out of food, when mommy doesn’t get him from his crib right away in the morning, when bro or sis steal his toys or won’t share
highlights: houston, we have a walker! Gage started walking on January 2nd and has finally decided that it’s a much better way of getting around then crawling or ‘knee’ walking as he was doing for so long before.