Monday, April 16, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

- 5 Question Friday -

- Mama M’s Five Question Friday -

1. Who mows your grass? – Steven.  Hate to admit this, but I’ve never mowed the grass.  I’ve used a lawn mower for a total of about 30 seconds my entire life.  Growing up with a dad and two older brothers and now a husband who is pretty picky about the lawn, I’ve never mowed any lawn.

2. Do you have a picture wall or picture gallery in your house (show us! <--- my addition to the question)? nope – sure would like one though… I’d love a color one and a black and white one… maybe someday

3. What book has influenced your thinking the most? Or, what blog? (I want to read what gets people thinking!) – the bible.  Truthfully, I’m not a big reader – but my bible is my go to book when I need inspiration, advice, encouragement, wisdom, grace, mercy… pretty much anything!

4. Do you have allergies? If so, how do you handle it this time of year? – nope.

5. What's your go to meal to cook in an hurry? – grilled cheese and soup!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

T(cubed) – tball, talking, thankful

I have been so inconsistent with my blogging but I really do want to get back into the swing of things…

Speaking of swinging – Gavin starts tball on Friday :)  He is SO excited!  We signed him up a couple of months ago and he has asked at least once a day, if not more, when baseball is going to start.  I’m really looking forward to watching him play; he has loved baseball for a few years now so I’m eager to get him on that field!!!  It will be tough managing two practices/games a week plus two other little ones plus two full time working parents - - but I guess I’m up for the challenge!


Talking – Mr Gage David is talking like crazy!  He repeats almost anything you say and thinks it’s hilarious!  I got a short video of him talking last night but I’m not exactly sure how to get it from my phone to the blog… so stay tuned!!!  Here’s a list of some of his favorite words – hey, dude, hot dog, awesome, roll out, I rock, momma, dadda, meemaw, grammie, poppop, sister, Gage, kitty, Lucy, excuse me, please, thank you, milk, eat, peepee, dog, cow, Pennsylvania, dance – I’m sure I’m missing some but you get the idea!!!

Thankful – the Lord has shown me recently how truly blessed I am and I need to share my thanks for some things here.  First, I am thankful for three healthy kids.  They may not listen to me all the time, they may fight and hit and talk back, they may not sleep in their own beds, they may always ask for more toys, they may push the boundaries, they may frustrate the bejeebers out of me – but they are healthy and that is blessing.

I am so thankful for family.  We’ve been in some tough situations lately and our family has really come through for us.  Our family is always willing to help out in whatever way we need them and for that, I am so grateful.  Life with 3 small children and two full time (well, truthfully, Steven and I work way more than 40 hours a week…) working parents can be pretty darn tough to manage – not to mention the everyday tasks of being home owners – laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, yard work – blah blah blah – all this to say – THANK YOU to all of our amazing family who’ve been SO great to us and to our kiddos – you guys rock!

I am so thankful to live where I live.  Lancaster County is absolutely beautiful.  I’ve known this for a long time but really realized it a few weeks ago while in New York City.  Steven and I were standing in Times Square and he said to me, “isn’t this beautiful?” – and I thought for a moment – to me, Times Square is just bright, it’s not really beautiful.  Don’t get me wrong – it’s beautiful in a bright, busy, crazy kind of way but that’s not my true idea of beauty.  I love the beauty of the country.. the beauty of fields and hills and trees.. the beauty of clear skies, sunshine and stars.

buggy clouds farm field road silo trees

and, in honor of Easter, [yea, I’m late.. no surprise there] I’m thankful for my faith.  I’m thankful I work for a Christian agency where I can share and pray with coworkers and clients.  I’m thankful for Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice...

“But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed. 
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.” – Isaiah 53:5-6

Love & blessings!!!